International Insurance Group
Optimization Of Global IT Costs
Analysis of IT costs of global IT services of more than 200 international companies, identification and evaluation of optimization potential of the international companies, development and implementation of a catalogue of activities for a more efficient use of global IT budgets
Engineering Services Provider
Cost Optimization
Structuring of IT costs according to business process, analysis of cost drivers and investment requirements on the basis of the new business strategy, derivation and implementation of measures for more efficient use of the IT budget
International Recruitment Agency
Impact of Digitalization
Analysis of the impact of digitalization on the business model, development of scenarios to adapt/realign individual business areas, derivation of scenarios for the required IT budgets
International Insurance Group
Global IT Cost Optimization
Optimization of the costs for global IT services, implementation of costing, planning and control for the global IT services at more than 200 international companies
International Bank Group
Optimisation Of Global IT-Budgets
Analysis of the entire financial accounting system at the IT service company, review of the service structure, service level management and cost structure, creation of an optimization concept
International Insurance Group
Analysis of global SAP Licence Management
Cost and usage analysis of more than 60,000 SAP licences worldwide, identification of untapped licence potential, catalogue of measures to optimize licence management, catalogue of activities to optimise licence management and the associated OPEX/CAPEX
International Transport Company
In-house Service Levels
Analysis of potential future in-house service levels for individual IT services, parameters: potential personnel requirements, the value of IT services, significance to business processes, output: cost-benefit scenarios for the inhouse services with catalogue of optimisation measures
Manufacturer of Medical Technology
IT Strategy and Digitalization
Advising the CIO on IT strategy development in the light of the digital transformation of the industry, positioning of IT and IT marketing within the company, definition of scenarios for the efficient use of IT budgets
International Transport Company
IT Service Management
Concept design for and implementation of IT service management for all IT services and processes at the company, mapping of the service, planning, forecasting and financial processes in the SAP system, derivation of optimization activities
International Engineering Company
Global IT Project Planning
Development of a system for the detailed planning, scheduling and approval of costs, investments and resources for global IT projects and operations, derivation and implementation of measures for more efficient use of IT budgets
International Standardization Body
Analysis of IT Service Management
Analysis of all processes relating to IT service management, distribution of tasks in the IT area, review of the IT service catalogue, analysis of the commercial control system, creation of a catalogue of optimization activities for more efficient use of IT budgets
Food Company
Optimization of Commercial IT Service Management
Review and optimization of commercial processes in global IT service management, restructuring of planning and costing for the IT services, implementation of a reporting and key figure system
International Bank Group
IT Programme and Project Controlling
Introduction and implementation of system-supported programme and project controlling, including budget and resource planning, forecasting and settlement for international IT projects
Federal State Data Centre
IT Project Controlling
Setting up of a system of planning, budgeting and controlling for all IT projects in the organisation, including comprehensive project reporting and project risk management
Federal State Company
IT Controlling
Support for the CIO/CFO in the setting up of a commercial control system for the company, mapping of the controlling processes in the SAP system, implementation of an indicator system (KPI) and a balanced scorecard
Federal State Ministry
Federal State-wide IT Controlling
Setting up of IT controlling for federal state-wide IT activities, particularly budget management, provider management, project controlling and control of the federal state date centre
International Telecommunication Company
IT Cost Optimisation
Analysis of global IT costs for each business area, correlation of costs and user requirements, analysis of internal clearing processes, determination of potential optimization measures
International Pharmaceutical Company
IT Service Management
Optimization of the structure and processes of IT service management, concept design for and implementation of a financial and controlling system for global IT services, derivation and implementation of measures for more efficient use of IT budgets
International Telecommunication Company
Global IT Financial Management
Restructuring of the financial accounting processes for internal IT services, concept design for a company-wide planning and reporting system, mapping in the SAP system